sábado, 15 de setembro de 2012


i am going to spend 15 days in disneyworld... i child dream awwwnnn
crazy for the halloween parties!

lets see what it happens!

see you in 15 days!

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012

Street fighter - Zanguief

semi quickie for mother russia.. this is our comrade and "bad guy"!
zanguief from USSR!
i loved to play with this character and always did the annoying sweet combo with the "SPINNING LARIAT"
i wonder what is he thinking! lol

segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2012

Street Fighter Quickie

just to celebrate the 25th year of the franchise street fighter i´ve done this quickie. of blanka being a pet!!!
i always thought it was really strange that the brazilian character was a green monkeylike monster.. but i love the game anyway! lol